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How is Healthcare Using Virtual Reality and AI for Learning and Development?

A new report by Virti includes exclusive data collected from healthcare professionals in the United States who specialize in Learning and Development (L&D). This comprehensive report offers valuable insights and includes contributions from esteemed partners like HTC Vive, Weill Cornell, and The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB).


L&D Professionals Surveyed


Expert Partners


Stats & Findings

Learn From Forward-Thinking L&D Teams in the Medical Sector

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It is a “no code” virtual reality tool for creating and conducting training. This means it’s easy to use with basic computer skills. The team at VIVE says it works like “PowerPoint for VR.”

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XR seems intimidating because people think there’s coding involved – but there isn’t. It’s easy for someone without a technical background to build customer experience and training.

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XR's biggest benefits have been providing accessibility and convenience to students. Students gain simulated clinical experience they would not receive otherwise. 


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